Men's Ministries

All Men's Bible Study

Contact:  Stephen Scott (937) 859-3496

Meet: Every 1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month from 8:30 - 10:00 A.M.




Retreat Activities, Vice Chair of Deacons: Stephen Scott (937) 859-3496

Taxes, Insurance, Inside Building:  Raymond Rush (937) 236-3759

Treasurer: William Henry, Jr. (937) 854-8245 ~ Assistant Treasurer: Sandra Lyle (937) 275-6042

Church Architect, Mother's Board: Clarence Cross (937) 277-5155

Young Adults, Transportation: Roger Beasley (937) 278-9725

Youth Church, Youth Sunday: Royce Johnson (937) 602-1901 Church: (937) 228-6393 Ext. 116

Singles/Couples, Brotherhood, Health Unit/First Aid, Scholarship, Ushers: Chester Robinson (937) 274-2532

Sharing and Caring, Culinary Ministry, Music Ministry, Seed Setters: Jesse Logan (937) 278-9240

Music Ministry: Percy Frasier (937) 422-5002

Building/Grounds, Janitorial Staff: Nathaniel Hall (937) 837-2063

Media, Website, Building/Grounds, Reproduction/Graphics: William Harris (937) 266-05

Transportation: Olen Moore (937) 938-1187

Security/Guardians: Joe Taylor (937) 274-6796

 Evening/Noon Prayer Meeting: Yacub Oladele

Deacon Jeffery Nichols

Finance Committee: Deacon Rush, Deacon Henry, Saundra Lyle and Gerald Robinson.

380 South Broadway Street

Dayton, Ohio 45402

